Experienced Guidance Through The Trademark Application Process
A trademark provides an indication of the source or origin of goods or services, and distinguishes the goods or services from those of others. The proper use of trademarks is a major factor in branding or establishing a brand name.
Trademark laws protect the owner’s investment of time, energy and money by preventing misappropriation of that investment. They also protect the public by reducing or eliminating confusion between goods or services.
What Can Be Trademarked?
There are many things associated with a company or product that can be trademarked. It may be a symbol, design, slogan, or word. Service may be protected with a servicemark, which essentially provides the same protections as a trademark. In order to receive a trademark, your product must be distinctive and used to promote goods or services.
Ream Law Firm, L.L.C., will first carefully review what you wish to trademark to confirm that it can be protected through a trademark registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Not all marks are able to be protected. We then conduct a trademark search to determine if the mark infringes on a mark that is already registered.
Attorney Dale J. Ream has extensive experience in compiling all of the supporting documentation that is essential to complete a successful trademark application. Dale will handle all inquiries from a trademark examiner and tackle any actions that are necessary to complete the process. If a trademark application is denied, he can handle the appeal.
Monitoring And Enforcement Of Registered Marks Is Important
Because the USPTO only registers a mark and does not enforce it, Dale monitors the use of a mark to prevent unauthorized use. If an infraction does occur, he will send a cease and desist letter. Often, this is all that is needed to stop unauthorized use of a mark. If further action is necessary, Dale will assist with obtaining injunctive relief and recovering damages if warranted.
So Much More Than A Trademark Lawyer
Dale is so much more than just a trademark lawyer. He is a mentor for creative entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes. He brings valuable connections to product prototype professionals and others who can help turn your idea into a moneymaking reality.
We welcome the opportunity to review your trademark or other intellectual property needs during a free consultation, either in our Kansas City office or via telephone. We work with clients nationwide. Call or email us to arrange your free initial consultation.